相聚有時,後會無期:sometimes ever,sometimes never.
一見楊過誤終身:Young Fault lasts for life.
In me the tiger sniffs the rose.餘光中先生譯:心有猛虎,細嗅薔薇。
Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.鄭振铎譯為“使生如夏花之絢爛,死如秋葉之靜美”。
中華兒女多奇志,不愛紅妝愛武裝: Chinese people prefer to face the powder rather than powder the face.
千山鳥飛絕,萬徑人蹤滅:From hill to hill no bird in flight, from path to path no men in sight.(許淵沖譯)
Love well, whip well:愛之深,責之切。
The wheel turns; nothing is ever new:時過境遷,爛事依然。
Love never ends:愛是永不止息。
Here lies one whose name was written in water:此地長眠者,聲名水上書。
thank you for……well nothing:讓我感謝你,贈我空歡喜。
無邊落木蕭蕭下:The boundless forest sheds its leaves shower by shower;
不盡長江滾滾來:The endless river rolls its waves hour after hour.