分享興趣、傳播快樂、增長見聞、留下美好,大家好,這裡是LearningYard學苑,今天小編為大家帶來系列文章: 一看就會的圖文教程-mathematica(1)。
Share interest, spread happiness, increase knowledge, and stay good. Hello, everyone. This is LearningYard Academy. Today, the editor brings you a series of articles: A picture-text tutorial-Mathematica (1).
今日内容一覽表Today's content listMathematica中的普通數字的加減乘除計算可以直接輸入,按下“shift enter”即可輸出結果,此處不做贅述。
The calculation of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of ordinary numbers in Mathematica can be directly input, and the result can be output by pressing "shift enter", which will not be repeated here.
It should be noted that the result is not simplified in mathematica, so when adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing a polynomial, you can call the following function to simplify the result.
方式一:合并同類項-調用Collect[(需要化簡的表達式),x(合并關于哪個同類項)]。Method 1: Combine similar items-call Collect[(the expression that needs to be simplified), x (which similar items are combined about)].案例1方式二:表達式的化簡-調用表達式//FullSimplify。Method 2: Simplification of expression-call expression //FullSimplify.案例2
函數求導Function derivation案例三:求函數的一階導Find the first derivative of a function.調用格式Calling format:ans1=D[原函數,求關于誰的導數]。案例3
案例四:求函數的二階導Find the second derivative of a function.調用格式Calling format:ans2=D[原函數,{求關于誰的二階導,2}]。案例4
案例五:多元函數中先對x求偏導,再對y求偏導In a multivariate function, first obtain the partial derivative of x, and then obtain the partial derivative of y.調用格式Calling format:ans3=D[原函數,x,y]。案例5
求解多項式方程(組)Solve polynomial equations (sets)常用函數Commonly used functions:
02lMathematica常用矩陣命令commonly used matrix commands矩陣的輸入Matrix input案例9:單位矩陣Identity Matrix.
使用格式Use format:Identitymatrix[a] // MatrixForm
a表示幾階單位矩陣,MatrixForm函數表示輸出為矩陣格式。(a represents the order of the unit matrix, and the MatrixForm function represents the output as a matrix format.)
案例9案例10-1:對角矩陣Diagonal matrix.
使用格式Use format:DiagonalMatrix[{a,b,c,d,e,f,...}]。
a,b,c,d,e,f,...為指定的對角線元素。(a,b,c,d,e,f,... are the specified diagonal elements.)
案例10-1進階練習10-2:調整對角線的位置Adjust the position of the diagonal.
使用格式Use format:DiagonalMatrix[{a,b,c,d,e,f,...},x]。
x為正,向右上方移動;x為負,向左下方移動。(If x is positive, it moves to the upper right; if x is negative, it moves to the lower left.)
案例10-2矩陣的計算Matrix calculation案例11:求矩陣的值Find the value of a matrix.
使用格式Use format:Det[矩陣的表達式]
案例11案例12:求矩陣的特征值Find the eigenvaluesof a matrix.
使用格式Use format:Eigenvalues[矩陣的表達式]
案例12案例13:求矩陣的迹Find the trace of a matrix.
使用格式Use format:Tr[矩陣的表達式]
案例13特殊矩陣的調用Special matrix call案例14:海塞矩陣Hessian Matrix
海塞矩陣是一個多元函數的二階偏導數構成的方陣,一般利用海塞矩陣判定多元函數的極值問題。The Hessian matrix is a square matrix composed of the second-order partial derivatives of a multivariate function. The Hessian matrix is generally used to determine the extreme value of a multivariate function.
使用格式Use format:D[f(x,y),{{x,y},2}]
案例14案例15:雅可比矩陣Jacobian Matrix
雅可比矩陣是一階偏導數以一定方式排列成的矩陣。它體現了一個可微方程與給出點的最優線性逼近。The Jacobian matrix is a matrix in which the first-order partial derivatives are arranged in a certain way. It embodies the optimal linear approximation of a differentiable equation to a given point..
使用格式Use format:D[f(x,y),{{x,y}}]
案例15提取矩陣的元素Extract elements of the matrix
使用格式Use format:M[[i,j]],提取第i行,第j列。
案例15-1 不正确輸入命令Input the command incorrectly.特别說明:不同于之前矩陣的輸入,在進行提取矩陣中元素的操作時,一定要另起一行,單獨使用一次MatricForm函數,先将矩陣表示出來,再輸入提取命令。Special note: Different from the input of the previous matrix, when extracting elements in the matrix, you must start a new line and use the MatricForm function once to express the matrix first, and then enter the extraction command.
案例15-2 正确輸入命令Enter the command correctly.