贊美老師的英文詩句?循循善誘,誨人不倦的是老師coaxing, teaching is a teacher.,我來為大家講解一下關于贊美老師的英文詩句?跟着小編一起來看一看吧!
循循善誘,誨人不倦的是老師。coaxing, teaching is a teacher.
教師是人類靈魂的工程師。the teacher is human soul engineer.
這無私的奉獻,令人永志不忘。the selfless dedication,a kid.
一位好老師,勝過萬卷書。a good teacher,and more than thousands of books.
春蠶到死絲方盡,蠟炬成灰淚始幹。try to dead silk,ended,candles burn.
教師的春風,日日沐我心。teachers in the spring breeze,massage my heart day by day.
在酷暑嚴寒中辛勤工作的.人們。in the extremes of heat and cold hard work people.
老師,您就是這希望與幸福的播種人。teacher,you are the hope and happiness seeder.
天荒地老,教師的`童心不泯.the teacher never vanished childlike innocence glebes old.
太陽下最光輝的職業是教師。teacher is the most glorious career under the sun.
感人肺腑的談話,能醫治孩子心靈的創傷。moving the conversation,to heal the kids.
師德很好,教學制度嚴謹,工作認真.ethics is very good,the teaching system is rigorous,work carefully.
用千百倍的耕耘,換來桃李滿園香。with one thousand times for the peach garden sweet.
老師就像蠟燭,燃燒自己,照亮别人。teacher like a candle,burn yourself out to give light to others.
我會用您給的畫筆,不斷給自己添上一道亮麗的色彩。i will use you to brush,add a bright color for yourself.