外貿術語縮寫大全及例句?字母i~wI/C Inward Collection 進口托收,我來為大家講解一下關于外貿術語縮寫大全及例句?跟着小編一起來看一看吧!
I/C Inward Collection 進口托收
i.e. that is 就是
Imp. Import 進口
IN Interest 利息
IOU I owe you 欠條
Insp. Inspection檢驗
inst. instant本月份
Insur. Insurance保險
Inv. Invoice 發票
I/P Insurance Policy保險單
I/R Inward Remittance 彙入彙款
J/A Joint Account 共同承做
Kg. Kilogram公斤
L/A Letter of Authorization授權書
Ibs. Pounds 磅
L/C Letter of Credit 信用證
L/U Letter of Undertaking 承諾書
L.T. Long Ton 長噸(2240磅)
L/H General Letter of Hypothecation
L/I Letter of Indemnity賠償保證書
Memo Memorandum 備忘錄
M.I. Marine Insurance 海險
M/N Minimum 最低額
M/T Mail Transfer信彙
M.T. Metric TON 公噸
N.B. Nota bene注意
O/C Outward Collection 出口托收
OD. Overdraft 透支
O.P. Open Policy 預定報單
O/R Outward Remittance 彙出彙款
OZ. Ounce 英兩;盎司
P/A Procurement Authorization
P.C. Percent百分數(%)
Pkg. Package 包裹
Pd. Paid已付
Per Pro Per Procuration代理
P.F. Pro Forma 預估
P.&I. Protection and Indemnity意外險
P/N Promissory Note 期票;本票
P.O.D. Pay on Delivery 發貨付款
P/O Payment Order 支付命令
P.O.B. Post Office Box 郵政信箱
P.S. Post Script 附言
P.T.O. Please turn over 請閱反面
Ref. Reference 摘由;參考
RM Remittance 彙款
R.O. Remittance Order 彙款委托書
S/D Sight Draft 見票後即付彙票
SD. Sundries 雜項
SE. Securities 抵押品
S.S. Steamship 輪船
T.P.N.D. Theft, Pilferage and Non-delivery 盜竊及不能交貨險
T/R Trust Receipt 信托收據
T/T Telegraphic Transfer 電彙
W.A. With Particular Average 水漬險