商務英語的工作概述? 筆記:,今天小編就來說說關于商務英語的工作概述?下面更多詳細答案一起來看看吧!
Logistics [ləˈdʒɪstɪks] 物流部
Logistics plans deliveries from suppliers.
Finance [ˈfaɪnæns] 财務部
Finance controls money.
Information [ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃn] Technology [tekˈnɒlədʒi] 電腦信息部 IT部
IT is responsible for computers.
Research [riˈsɜːtʃ]and Development [dɪˈveləpmənt] 研發部門
R&D develops products.
Human[ˈhjuːmən] Resources [rɪˈsɔːsiz] 人力資源部
HR is in charge of the management and development of employees.
Marketing [ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ] 市場部
Marketing organizes information.
Customer Services 客服部
Customer services deals withs customers.
Production [prəˈdʌkʃn] 生産部
Production checks machinery.
Sales 銷售部
Sales works with customers to find out what they want.