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生活 更新时间:2025-03-16 02:48:05


原文刊登于《Scientific American》(2018.06.01)


Alas, the data showed no correlation between the belief in God and either goosetingles or coldshivers. Instead, the researchers found a significant correlation between inspiration and belief: the more participants felt inspired in their daily lives, the more strongly they believed in God. This connection held for those who saw God as loving, and also for those that saw God as controlling—but it was unrelated to people’s general beliefs about positive possibilities (such as life in other planets, or the spread of democracy).

In a subsequent manipulation, participants were randomly assigned to write about and relive a memory of: feeling inspired by something or someone, feeling inspired to do something, or feeling emotionallyneutral/mildly bored. ⑤Reliving an inspired-by experience enhanced religious belief in not only believers but also skeptics. ⑥ An additional experimental scenario showed that being awed (by a nature video) did not similarly increase participants’ belief in God.


correlation 聯系

positive possibility 正概率事件

subsequent 後續的

relive 重溫

neutral 中性的

skeptic 懷疑論者

scenario 場景


hold 本意是“掌握,擁抱,保持”,此處表示“站得住腳”

manipulation 本意是操縱,此處即是實驗步驟

randomly 随機地


1.This connection held for those who saw God as loving, and also for those that saw God as controlling—but it was unrelated to people’s general beliefs about positive possibilities.

此句主幹是“This connection held for those…, and also for those…”,hold在此處表示的是“站得住腳”;介詞短語“for those”做狀語,表示對象,每個those後面都跟了個定語從句。後面的but…引出并列句。

2.In a subsequent manipulation, participants were randomly assigned to write about and relive a memory of: feeling inspired by something or someone, feeling inspired to do something, or feeling emotionally neutral/mildly bored.

本句話主幹為“participants were randomly assigned to write about and relive a memory”,為主謂狀成分。of結構是memory同位語,引出三種記憶。





1.Unbeknownst to me before reading this paper, there are two different kinds of chills, wonderfully known as goosetingles and coldshivers. Goosetingles, as indicated by their name, are “a combination of goosebumps and a tingling sensation, whereas coldshivers reflects a mix of coldness and a literal physical shake.”

此句主幹為“there are two different kinds of chills”;前面的“Unbeknownst to me…”是分詞做狀語,before reading this letter亦是時間狀語。後面的“wonderfully known as…”是後置定語修飾chills;後一句中主幹是“Goosetingles are “a combination of…”;後面是一個whereas引出的并列句。







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