一級甲等的播音員都未必能發音正确的字,我們看看為什麼是果實累累[léi léi]!
累累:[léi léi]1. 憔悴頹喪的樣子:~若喪家之狗。也作儽儽。
gaunt :憔悴的破敗的;
haggard :生病的憔悴的;
2. 接連成串:果實~。
a bunch of 葡萄、香蕉,
bunch:a number of things of the same type fastened together or in a close group,串;束;紮;
a cluster of red berries紅莓
cluster:a group of similar things that are close together, sometimes surrounding something,(同類物聚集的)串,叢,束,群;
累累:[lěi lěi]:1. 屢屢:~失誤。again and again一再
2. 形容累積得多:罪行~。accumulated積累的