100.折磨:扭蒙拉之潮(Torment: Tides of Numenera)
99.勇者鬥惡龍3(Dragon Quest III)
98.吸血鬼:避世血族(Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines)
97.暗黑編年史(Dark Cloud 2)
96.失落的奧德賽(Lost Odyssey)
95.美妙世界(The World Ends With You)
94.黃金太陽(Golden Sun)
92.中場戰術:讓我們在一起(Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together)
90.鐵甲飛龍傳奇(Panzer Dragoon Saga)
89.仙樂傳說(Tales of Symphonia)
88.凡人物語(Radiata Stories)
87.放浪冒險譚(Vagrant Story)
86.光芒之池(Pools of Radiance)
85.魔法門:決戰星雲世界(Might & Magic: World of Xeen)
84.地平線:重返黎明(Horizon: Zero Dawn)
83.異度之刃(Xenoblade Chronicles)
82.南方公園:真理之杖(South Park: The Stick of Truth)
80.奧丁領域(Odin Sphere)
79.龍之信條(Dragon’s Dogma)
77.光輝物語(Radiant Historia)
76.創世紀4:聖者的傳奇(Quest of the Avatar)
75暗影之心:盟約(Shadow Hearts: Covenant)
74.怪物獵人:世代(Monster Hunter Generations)
73.惡魔城:月下夜想曲(Castlevania: Symphony of the Night)
72.紙片馬裡奧(Paper Mario)
71.翡翠帝國(Jade Empire)
69.魔界戰:黑暗時刻(Disgaea: Hour of Darkness)
68.神界:原罪(Divinity:Original Sin)
67.流放之路(Path of exile)
66.幽浮:未知敵人(XCOM: Enemy Unknown)
65.質量效應(MASS EFFECT)
64.暗黑地牢(Darkest Dungeon)
63.戰場女武神(Valkyria Chronicles)
62.博德之門(Baldur’s Gate)
61.巫師2:國王刺客(The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings)
60.冰風谷2(Icewind Dale II)
59.穿越時空(Chrono Cross)
58.未知的故事,第1卷:吟遊詩人的故事(Tales of the Unknown, Vol. 1: The Bard’s Tale)
57.龍騰世紀:審判(Dragon Age:Inquisition)
56.神鬼寓言2(Fable II)
55.永恒的阿卡迪亞(Skies of Arcadia)
54.格蘭蒂亞2(Grandia II)
53.星之海洋:第二個故事(Star Ocean: The Second Story)
52.上古卷軸4:遺忘(The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
51.勇者鬥惡龍8(Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King)
50.精靈寶可夢:金&銀(Pokemon Gold & Silver)
48 .女神異聞錄3(Persona 3)
47.塞爾達傳說:荒野之息(The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
46.惡魔之魂(Demon’s Souls)
45.質量效應3(Mass Effect 3)
44.火焰紋章 覺醒(Fire Emblem: Awakening)
43巫術:瘋狂領主的試驗場(Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord)
41異域傳說首部曲:權力意志(Xenosaga: Episode I – Der Wille zur Macht)
40無冬之夜(Neverwinter Nights)
38.網絡奇兵2(System Shock 2)
37.暗黑破壞神3(Diablo III)
36.輻射:新維加斯(Fallout: New Vegas)
35.最終幻想10(Final Fantasy X)
34.夢幻之星4:千年紀的終結(Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millenium)
33.最終幻想(Final Fantasy)
32.女神側身像(Valkyrie Profile)
31.創世紀7:黑月門(Ultima VII: The Black Gate)
30.女神異聞錄4(Persona 4)
29.幻想水浒傳2(Suikoden II)
28.超級馬裡奧RPG:七星傳奇(Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars)
26.龍騰世紀:起源(Dragon Age: Origins)
25.王國之心2(Kingdom Hearts II)
24.黑暗之魂(Dark Souls)
23.最終幻想4Final Fantasy IV)
21.上古卷軸3:晨風(The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind)
19.女神異聞錄5(Persona 5)
18.最終幻想7(Final Fantasy VII)
17.創世紀(OnlineUltima Online)
16.聖劍傳說2:瑪娜的秘密(Secret of Mana)
15.精靈寶可夢:紅&藍(Pokemon Red & Blue)
14.殺出重圍(Deus Ex)
13.異域鎮魂曲:折磨(Planescape: Torment)
12.輻射3(Fallout 3)
10.最終幻想戰略版(Final Fantasy Tactics)
9.博德之門2:安姆的陰影(Baldur’s Gate II – Shadows of Amn)
8.暗黑破壞神2(Diablo II)
7.星球大戰:舊共和國武士(Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)
6.魔獸世界(World of Warcraft)
5.巫師3:狂獵(The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
4.質量效應2(Mass Effect 2)
3.時空之輪(Chrono Trigger)
2.最終幻想6(Final Fantasy VI)
1.上古卷軸5:天際(The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)