land,土地。以land開頭的單詞還有:landslide, landrace, landing, etc.
scape作後綴,表示景色。比如:cityscape, seascape, moonscape, etc.
- 名詞,黃土地上的風景、鄉村風景、風景畫,
- 還可以做動詞,表示在建築物的周邊或者道路旁邊做美化,讓風景如畫。
- 形容詞,橫向的,可以是打印時的橫向打印,也可以是手機的橫屏,我們通常在需要拍照、看視頻時切換為橫向對吧,也是為了看“景色”。

landscape 之 鄉村風景

landscape 之 橫向的
造句:Switch your phone to landscape to see the whole landscape.
- a large area of countryside, especially in relation to its appearance
- a view or picture of the countryside, or the art of making such pictures
- to change the appearance of an area of land, especially next to a building or road so that it looks more like natural countryside
- A landscape document is to be printed with the longer side of the paper at the top and bottom.
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