VOA 慢速英語是适合中級水平英語學習者(相當于高中學生)不可多得的學習素材。《詞語句篇學習法》的觀點是:沒見過的不聽,沒聽過的不讀,沒讀過的不說,沒說過的不寫。今天我們學習一段關于“說‘父母語言’而不是‘嬰兒語言’有助于嬰兒語言學習”的報道,請注意議論文but, however後往往是文章的重點。
Study: Speaking ‘Parentese’ Helps Baby’s Language Learning
By Bryan Lynn
29 January, 2019
It is common for adults to use "baby talk" when interacting with very young children. This way of speaking attempts to copy the sounds babies make when they first try to talk. But is this form of communication helpful to a child's development?
interact v. 互動
Several studies have suggested a clear link between parental language methods and a child's early language development.
parental adj. 父母的
Studies showed that language learning in babies was improved when parents spoke more than a few simple words and used a wider vocabulary. Earlier research found that the style of speech used by parents to communicate with their baby could increase language development.
vocabulary n.詞彙量
style n.方式; 方法
One such speaking style is known as "parentese." Research has shown that babies react better to this kind of language in the first months of life.
parentese n.父母語言
react vi. 反應,作出反應
Generally, parentese involves adults speaking in a higher voice and at a slower speed. The language is simplified, while sentences are short and often repeated. Studies from the past 30 years have confirmed that babies spoken to in parentese developed larger vocabularies throughout the first three years of life.
involve vt. 包含; 使參與,牽涉
simplify vt.簡化; 使單純; 使簡易
confirm v.确認, 證實
A new study on the subject examined whether parents can be effectively taught methods to improve their parentese skills. The study was a project of the University of Washington's Institute for Learning Brain Sciences.
effectively adv.有效地