1 | I'm not depressed. | 我一點也不郁悶。 |
2 | I'm not going to let that happen. | 我決不允許你這種事情發生。 |
3 | She said she had feelings for Damon. | 她告訴我她對Damon有感情。 |
4 | I'm going to shake some sense into her clearly diseased brain. | 我會讓她擺脫那些不靠譜的想法。 |
5 | Please don't tell me that you're still working with Klaus. | 别告訴我你還在和Klaus一起共事。 |
6 | I'm your best friend, and I would never pick sides. | 我是你的閨蜜,我不會選站邊。 |
7 | I can't deny that ever since I turned, my feelings for Damon have become more intense. | 我不能否認總從我被轉化後,對Damon的感覺愈演愈烈。 |
8 | I need to figure out what these feelings actually mean. | 我要搞明白這些感覺到底意味着什麼。 |
9 | You're not having a psychotic break. | 你根本不是精神分裂了。 |
10 | I would never do anything to hurt you. | 我永遠都不會傷害你。 |
11 | Maybe you think you're more persuasive than you are. | 也許你認為你比實際更有說服力。 |
12 | I haven't been on a date in a while. It feels good so far. | 我好久都沒和女孩第二次約會了。目前為止,感覺很不錯。 |
13 | I am not getting back at him。 | 我沒有在報複他。 |
14 | Actually, though, I'm not here to discuss business. | 其實我今天不是來談生意上的事情。 |
15 | You know what I've been through, I told you I couldn't be hurt again. | 我知道我的痛苦經曆,我也告訴過你我不能再受傷害了。 |
16 | I guess I wasn't ready to face reality. | 我猜想我還沒有做好面對現實的準備。 |
17 | When her father killed her fiance, she changed into something dark and twisted. | 她父親殺了她未婚夫的時候,她就已經變得既黑暗又扭曲了。 |
18 | This is the actual moment that it happens. | 這就是此刻要發生的事情。 |
19 | It's hard to believe that he's right there. | 我不敢相信他就在那裡。 |
20 | Ladies and gentlemen, you're now prisoners on the Pakistani Navy. | 女士們先生們,你們現在已被巴勒斯坦海軍俘虜了。 |
21 | I ask that you do not make any sudden movements, and do exactly as I say. | 我要求你們不要有任何冒然的舉措, 而是要按照我的吩咐去做。 |
22 | I don't have the power to stop him, only you do. | 我無權去讓他停止這一切,隻有你可以。 |
23 | Amy's taking me to a memorial service, It's for one of her colleagues who is of Asian descent. | Amy要帶我去參加一個葬禮,是她一個有亞洲血統的同事喪禮。 |
24 | I made a commitment in wring to comfort you in times like this. | 我曾經用白紙黑字承諾過,要在這種情況下照顧你。 |
25 | I just want you to get better as soon as possible. | 我隻是想你盡快好起來。 |
26 | What's your bath thermometer? I don't have a bath thermometer. | 你的水溫計在哪?我木有水溫計。 |
27 | Amy, Would you be strong enough to bathe yourself? | Amy,你有力氣洗澡嗎? |
28 | Are you prepared to receive your punishment? | 你準備好接受懲罰了嗎? |
29 | Is anyone else troubled by the Spider-Man theme song? | 你們有人會覺得蝙蝠俠主題曲很鬧心嗎? |
30 | Amy, I brought you some drugs we were working on in the lab. | Amy,我給你帶了點我們實驗室正在研發的藥物。 |
31 | Now, you don't want to cut too deep into its guts, or the blood will just squirt all over your face. | 千萬不要把内髒切得太深,不然血會濺得你滿臉都是。 |
32 | If you don't want to look foolish doing something, you should practice. | 如果你不想在做某事時看起來笨手笨腳,你就應該多多練習。 |
33 | safe is good when it comes to the judges. | 面對評委,保守點比較好。 |
34 | We've already agreed that the red one's a little bit too showy. | 我們一緻認為紅色太豔麗了。 |
35 | How did you convince the pastor to kill all those people. | 你怎麼說服牧師殺害那些人的。 |
36 | I just want to thank the judges for seeing past the fact that I'm a raging bicth. | 我想感謝評委,沒計較我那狂暴的性格。 |
37 | Wow. Caroline, thank you for making this very difficult time so much easier. | 真謝謝你,Caroline. 你真讓我這段困哪時期變得輕松多了。 |
38 | So there's not single moment in your whole life that you wanted to be human. | 那麼這輩子你就從來沒有想過要做回人類嗎。 |
39 | I was wondering what time I should pick you up tomorrow. | 我想知道明天該幾點來接你。 |
40 | I can't stay at home anymore. | 我不能再住在家裡了。 |
41 | .Tell me that Jeremy hasn't been with you this entire time. | 告訴我Jeremy不是跟你在一起的。 |
42 | the thought of you two together really makes me want to barf. | 一想到你倆在一起,就讓我感到惡心。 |
43 | I must admit I can't help but feel a little a twinge of envy. | 我不得不承認我心裡實在是有點小嫉妒。 |
44 | Leonard, where do you stand on the anthropic principle?(04:09) | Leonard,你同不同意人擇原理? |
45 | Let's use tonight to get to know each other a little better. | 不如今晚就讓我們加深對彼此的了解吧。 |
46 | I was actually just about to close up. | 我正準備打烊。 |
47 | You're my first customer today. | 你是我今天第一個顧客。 |
48 | There's a loophole in the relationship agreement. | 我們的戀愛協議有個漏洞。 |
49 | It's been a long time since I've been on a date. | 我很久沒約會了。 |
50 | I worked my ass off today. This is exactly what I needed, | 我今天累死了。這正是我所需要的。 |
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