SPEAKER: I played with my friend last night. IMPLICATION: This sounds like something a child would say. Or it could even be sexual. BETTER: I hung out with my friend last night.
常見說法: I played with my friend last night. 錯誤之處:聽起來像小孩子說的話(和小夥伴玩耍),甚至有性方面的含義。正确表達:I hung out with my friend last night. 我昨晚和朋友出去玩了。
go on a date = 見朋友?SPEAKER: I’m going on a date later.IMPLICATION: You are going to do something romantic with your significant other.BETTER: I’m meeting my friend later.
常見說法: I’m going on a date later.錯誤之處:聽起來像是說你要和另一半去做浪漫的事情---約會。正确表達:I’m meeting my friend later. 我等會兒要去見一個朋友。
too = 非常?SPEAKER: She is too beautiful.IMPLICATION: “Too” typically has a negative meaning as in an undesirable amount, although sometimes it can be complimentary depending on the intonation. BETTER: She is very beautiful. She is extremely beautiful.
常見說法: She is too beautiful.錯誤之處:盡管因為語調的變化,”too”也能表達贊美之意,但它通常帶有貶義,表示過量或程度過高。正确表達:She is very beautiful. She is extremely beautiful. 她非常漂亮。
I am boring = 我很無聊?SPEAKER: I am boring.IMPLICATION: “YOU” are boring. You are making others bored.BETTER: It is boring. OR I am bored. (which would be your feeling)
常見說法: I’m boring.錯誤之處:暗含的意思是“你”這個人很無聊,讓别人感到無聊至極。正确表達:It is boring. (好無聊,事/物讓人無聊)或者 I am bored. (我感到很無聊,表達的是你的感覺)
I am exciting = 我很興奮?SPEAKER: I am exciting.IMPLICATION:“YOU” are exciting. You make others excited.BETTER: It is exciting. OR I am excited. (which would be your feeling)
常見說法: I am exciting.錯誤之處:暗含的意思是“你”是讓人興奮的,會令他人感到興奮激動。正确表達:It is exciting. (事/物讓人興奮激動不已)或者 I am excited. (我感到興奮激動,表達的是你的感覺)
funny = 有趣,好玩?SPEAKER: The game last night was funny.IMPLICATION: The game made you laugh. “Funny” is comical. “Fun” is enjoyable.BETTER:The game last night was fun.
常見說法: The game last night was funny.錯誤之處:暗含的意思是“這個遊戲讓你開懷大笑”。“funny”的意思是“滑稽好笑的”,而”fun”的意思是“讓人愉悅享受的”。正确表達:The game last night was fun. (昨晚的遊戲很好玩。)
Take off your clothes = 請客人脫外套?SPEAKER: Take off your clothes. (This is usually a suggestion I hear in which the other person says he/she is hot)IMPLICATION: Inappropriately, take off ALL your clothes.BETTER: Take off your jacket/coat/sweater.
常見說法: Take off your clothes. (This is usually a suggestion I hear in which the other person says he/she is hot) 把衣服脫下來(聽到這句話時,往往是一個人暗示另一個人性感的情形)錯誤之處:它不恰當地暗含了“把你衣服都脫光”的意思。正确表達:應該具體說明比如take off your jacket/coat/sweater (把你的上衣/外套/毛衣脫掉吧,是把顧客、客人等迎進門後表示關心的客氣表達)