為加快營造穩定公平透明、可預期的營商環境,更大激發市場活力和社會創造力,國家發展和改革委員會于7月14日發布《優化營商環境條例(征求意見稿)》,向社會公開征求意見。 China on Sunday unveiled plans to further improve its business environment, and began to solicit public opinion on how to proceed. The draft, published by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), aims at accelerating the creation of a stable, fair, transparent and predictable business environment and stimulate market vitality and the creative power of the whole society.
要為民營企業發展營造良好的法治環境和營商環境,依法保護民營企業權益,鼓勵、支持、引導非公有制經濟繼續發展壯大。 We should put more efforts to create a sound legal and business environment for private enterprises, protect their rights and interests in accordance with the law and work to encourage, support, and guide the development of the non-public sector. ——2018年9月27日,在遼甯忠旺集團生産車間考察時表示
民營企業 private businesses
減稅降費 slash taxes and fees
簡政放權、放管結合、優化服務(放管服) streamline the government, delegate power, and improve government services