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科技 更新时间:2025-01-31 06:48:56


  • 常規綁定 - ViewModel屬性綁定到任何不可編輯的View元素屬性。由于該元素不可編輯,因此您無需将更新通知發送回綁定屬性(單向綁定)。
  • 數據綁定 - Model屬性(數據字段)綁定到編輯器屬性。如果用戶可以更改編輯器值,則需要更新綁定屬性(雙向綁定)。
  • 屬性依賴 - 來自同一個ViewModel的兩個屬性被綁定。

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在“MVVM 最佳實踐”演示中,多個模塊演示了以下設置:

  • 兩個TextEdit控件綁定到ViewModel“Operand1”和“Operand2”屬性。
  • 當用戶更改 TextEdit 值時,操作數屬性會刷新其值。
  • 當操作數屬性更改時,它們會更新數字 “Result”屬性(依賴項 #1)。
  • “Result”屬性更新字符串“ResultText”屬性(依賴項#2)。


對于使用示例 UI 的每個演示模塊,将 View 元素綁定到 ViewModel 屬性的代碼都是相同的。


mvvmContext.ViewModelType = typeof(MultViewModel); var fluentAPI = mvvmContext.OfType<MultViewModel>(); fluentAPI.SetBinding(editor1, e => e.EditValue, x => x.Operand1); fluentAPI.SetBinding(editor2, e => e.EditValue, x => x.Operand2); fluentAPI.SetBinding(resultLabel, l => l.Text, x => x.ResultText);


mvvmContext.ViewModelType = GetType(MultViewModel) Dim fluentAPI = mvvmContext.OfType(Of MultViewModel)() fluentAPI.SetBinding(editor1, Sub(e) e.EditValue, Sub(x) x.Operand1) fluentAPI.SetBinding(editor2, Sub(e) e.EditValue, Sub(x) x.Operand2) fluentAPI.SetBinding(resultLabel, Sub(l) l.Text, Sub(x) x.ResultText)


OnPropertyChanged 方法

在POCO ViewModels中,您可以聲明OnXChanged方法,其中 X 是屬性名稱。 當相關屬性的值發生變化時,框架會調用這些方法。


public class MultViewModel { public virtual int Operand1 { get; set; } public virtual int Operand2 { get; set; } public virtual int Result { get; set; } public virtual string ResultText { get; set; } protected void OnOperand1Changed() { UpdateResult(); } protected void OnOperand2Changed() { UpdateResult(); } protected void OnResultChanged() { UpdateResultText(); } void UpdateResult() { Result = Operand1 * Operand2; } void UpdateResultText() { ResultText = string.Format("The result is: {0:n0}", Result); } }


Public Class MultViewModel Public Overridable Property Operand1() As Integer Public Overridable Property Operand2() As Integer Public Overridable Property Result() As Integer Public Overridable Property ResultText() As String Protected Sub OnOperand1Changed() UpdateResult() End Sub Protected Sub OnOperand2Changed() UpdateResult() End Sub Protected Sub OnResultChanged() UpdateResultText() End Sub private Sub UpdateResult() Result = Operand1 * Operand2 End Sub Private Sub UpdateResultText() ResultText = String.Format("The result is: {0:n0}", Result) End Sub End Class


如果您的更新方法未被稱為“On...Changed”,請使用 DevExpress.Mvvm.DataAnnotations.BindableProperty 屬性告訴框架它應該在屬性值更改時調用此方法。 在下面的代碼示例中,DevExpress.Mvvm.POCO.RaisePropertyChanged 是一個 DevExpress 擴展方法,它将更新通知發送到依賴屬性。


public class SumViewModel { [BindableProperty(OnPropertyChangedMethodName = "NotifyResultAndResultTextChanged")] public virtual int Operand1 { get; set; } [BindableProperty(OnPropertyChangedMethodName = "NotifyResultAndResultTextChanged")] public virtual int Operand2 { get; set; } public int Result { get { return Operand1 Operand2; } } public string ResultText { get { return string.Format("The result is: {0:n0}", Result); } } protected void NotifyResultAndResultTextChanged() { this.RaisePropertyChanged(x => x.Result); this.RaisePropertyChanged(x => x.ResultText); } }


Public Class SumViewModel <BindableProperty(OnPropertyChangedMethodName := "NotifyResultAndResultTextChanged")> Public Overridable Property Operand1() As Integer <BindableProperty(OnPropertyChangedMethodName := "NotifyResultAndResultTextChanged")> Public Overridable Property Operand2() As Integer Public ReadOnly Property Result() As Integer Get Return Operand1 Operand2 End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property ResultText() As String Get Return String.Format("The result is: {0:n0}", Result) End Get End Property Protected Sub NotifyResultAndResultTextChanged() Me.RaisePropertyChanged(Function(x) x.Result) Me.RaisePropertyChanged(Function(x) x.ResultText) End Sub End Class


使用 DevExpress.Mvvm.DataAnnotations.DependsOnProperties 屬性标記依賴屬性。 請注意,與前面的示例不同,下面的代碼僅使用一個依賴項:“ResultText”取決于兩個“Operand”屬性,您不能使用此屬性創建鍊式依賴項。


public class MultViewModelEx { public virtual int Operand1 { get; set; } public virtual int Operand2 { get; set; } [DependsOnProperties("Operand1", "Operand2")] public string ResultText { get { return string.Format("The result is: {0:n0}", Operand1 * Operand2); } } }


Public Class MultViewModelEx Public Overridable Property Operand1() As Integer Public Overridable Property Operand2() As Integer <DependsOnProperties("Operand1", "Operand2")> Public ReadOnly Property ResultText() As String Get Return String.Format("The result is: {0:n0}", Operand1 * Operand2) End Get End Property End Class


在這種方法中,您創建自定義更新方法并使用單獨的元數據類将屬性與這些方法鍊接起來。 如果 BindableProperty 屬性按名稱引用更新方法,則 OnPropertyChangedCall 方法使用 lambda 表達式來檢索方法。 重命名自定義更新方法時,元數據類顯示編譯錯誤。


//View Model code [System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.MetadataType(typeof(Metadata))] public class SumViewModel_MetaPOCO { public virtual int Operand1 { get; set; } public virtual int Operand2 { get; set; } public virtual int Result { get; set; } public string ResultText { get { return string.Format("The result is: {0:n0}", Result); } } protected void NotifyResultAndResultTextChanged() { Result = Operand1 Operand2; this.RaisePropertyChanged(x => x.Result); this.RaisePropertyChanged(x => x.ResultText); } //Metadata class public class Metadata : IMetadataProvider<SumViewModel_MetaPOCO> { void IMetadataProvider<SumViewModel_MetaPOCO>.BuildMetadata(MetadataBuilder<SumViewModel_MetaPOCO> builder) { builder.Property(x => x.Result) .DoNotMakeBindable(); builder.Property(x => x.Operand1). OnPropertyChangedCall(x => x.NotifyResultAndResultTextChanged()); builder.Property(x => x.Operand2). OnPropertyChangedCall(x => x.NotifyResultAndResultTextChanged()); } } }


<System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.MetadataType(GetType(Metadata))> Public Class SumViewModel_MetaPOCO Public Overridable Property Operand1() As Integer Public Overridable Property Operand2() As Integer Public Overridable Property Result() As Integer Public ReadOnly Property ResultText() As String Get Return String.Format("The result is: {0:n0}", Result) End Get End Property Protected Sub NotifyResultAndResultTextChanged() Result = Operand1 Operand2 Me.RaisePropertyChanged(Function(x) x.Result) Me.RaisePropertyChanged(Function(x) x.ResultText) End Sub 'Metadata class Public Class Metadata Implements IMetadataProvider(Of SumViewModel_MetaPOCO) Private Sub IMetadataProviderGeneric_BuildMetadata(ByVal builder As MetadataBuilder(Of SumViewModel_MetaPOCO)) Implements IMetadataProvider(Of SumViewModel_MetaPOCO).BuildMetadata builder.Property(Function(x) x.Result).DoNotMakeBindable() builder.Property(Function(x) x.Operand1).OnPropertyChangedCall(Function(x) x.NotifyResultAndResultTextChanged()) builder.Property(Function(x) x.Operand2).OnPropertyChangedCall(Function(x) x.NotifyResultAndResultTextChanged()) End Sub End Class End Class


要使用數據源記錄填充多項目控件,請使用 SetItemsSourceBinding 方法。


var fluentApi = mvvmContext1.OfType<ViewModelClass>(); fluentApi.SetItemsSourceBinding( Target ItemSelector, SourceSelector, MatchExpression, CreateExpression, DisposeExpression, ChangeExpression );


Dim fluentApi = mvvmContext1.OfType(Of ViewModelClass)() fluentApi.SetItemsSourceBinding(Target ItemSelector, SourceSelector, MatchExpression, CreateExpression, DisposeExpression, ChangeExpression)

  • Target - 您需要填充的目标 UI 元素。
  • Item Selector - 一個表達式,用于檢索應從數據源填充的 UI 元素的項目集合。
  • Source Selector - 定位數據源的表達式,其項目應用于填充目标。
  • Match Expression -将數據源項與目标子項進行比較的表達式。 當您更改或删除數據源記錄時,框架會運行此表達式以确定是否應更新相應的 Target 集合項。
  • Create Expression - 出現新數據源記錄時創建新目标集合項的表達式。
  • Dispose Expression - 一個表達式,當它的相關數據源記錄被删除時處理一個 Target 集合項。
  • Change Expression - 指定當匹配表達式得出此項目與數據源記錄不同時如何更新目标集合項目。

在 MVVM 最佳實踐演示中,以下代碼使用自定義實體類的對象填充列表框。 SetBinding 方法将編輯器的 SelectedItem 屬性與檢索相應實體對象的 ViewModel SelectedEntity 屬性綁定。


//View code mvvmContext.ViewModelType = typeof(ViewModel); var fluentApi = mvvmContext.OfType<ViewModel>(); fluentApi.SetItemsSourceBinding( listBox, lb => lb.Items, x => x.Entities, (item, entity) => object.Equals(item.Value, entity), entity => new ImageListBoxItem(entity), null, (item, entity) => { ((ImageListBoxItem)item).Description = entity.Text; } ); fluentApi.SetBinding(listBox, lb => lb.SelectedValue, x => x.SelectedEntity); //ViewModel code public class ViewModel { public virtual Entity SelectedEntity { get; set; } public virtual ObservableCollection<Entity> Entities { get; set;} protected void OnSelectedEntityChanged() { //"Remove" is a custom ViewModel method that deletes a selected entity this.RaiseCanExecuteChanged(x => x.Remove()); } protected void OnEntitiesChanged() { SelectedEntity = Entities.FirstOrDefault(); } } //Model code public class Entity { public Entity(int id) { this.ID = id; this.Text = "Entity " id.ToString(); } public int ID { get; private set; } public string Text { get; set; } }


'View code mvvmContext.ViewModelType = GetType(ViewModel) Dim fluentApi = mvvmContext.OfType(Of ViewModel)() fluentApi.SetItemsSourceBinding( listBox, Function(lb) lb.Items, Function(x) x.Entities, Function(item, entity) Object.Equals(item.Value, entity), Function(entity) New ImageListBoxItem(entity), Nothing, Function(item, entity) CType(item, ImageListBoxItem).Description = entity.Text ) fluentApi.SetBinding(listBox, Function(lb) lb.SelectedValue, Function(x) x.SelectedEntity) 'ViewModel code Public Class ViewModel Public Overridable Property SelectedEntity() As Entity Public Overridable Property Entities() As ObservableCollection(Of Entity) Protected Sub OnSelectedEntityChanged() '"Remove" is a custom ViewModel method that deletes a selected entity Me.RaiseCanExecuteChanged(Function(x) x.Remove()) End Sub Protected Sub OnEntitiesChanged() SelectedEntity = Entities.FirstOrDefault() End Sub End Class 'Model code Public Class Entity Public Sub New(ByVal id As Integer) Me.ID = id Me.Text = "Entity " & id.ToString() End Sub Private privateID As Integer Public Property ID() As Integer Get Return privateID End Get Private Set(ByVal value As Integer) privateID = value End Set End Property Public Property Text() As String End Class


觸發器允許您在 ViewModel 屬性更改時修改 UI(視圖)。 在 DevExpress 演示中,複選框綁定到 ViewModel “IsActive”屬性。 當此屬性的值更改時,觸發器會更改 UI 元素(标簽)的背景顔色。


//ViewModel code public class ViewModel { public virtual bool IsActive { get; set; } } //ViewModel code var fluent = mvvmContext.OfType<ViewModel>(); fluent.SetBinding(checkEdit, c => c.Checked, x => x.IsActive); fluent.SetTrigger(x => x.IsActive, (active) => { if(active) label.Appearance.BackColor = Color.LightPink; else label.Appearance.BackColor = Color.Empty; });


'ViewModel code Public Class ViewModel Public Overridable Property IsActive() As Boolean End Class 'ViewModel code Private fluent = mvvmContext.OfType(Of ViewModel)() fluent.SetBinding(checkEdit, Function(c) c.Checked, Function(x) x.IsActive) fluent.SetTrigger(Function(x) x.IsActive, Sub(active) If active Then label.Appearance.BackColor = Color.LightPink Else label.Appearance.BackColor = Color.Empty End If End Sub)

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