month watch stomach hero photo city play
① 将下列基數詞變成序數詞:
five nine twelve twenty
14 40 3/4
fortunate immediate safe true possible comfortable terrible simple gentle lucky happy angry shy (repeat-- hurry--- expect---)
carry destroy pay lay lie write feel bite fall stop plan occur rise throw flow choose drive eat fly run beat steal strike stick cost cut hurt spread shut shine hold hide
study carry pay refer prefer offer sit develop write eat swim
bend, spend, send, build, lend(from “d” to “ t”)
lead,flee,bleed,feed, speed(from“ead or ee(d)” to “ed”)
grow, blow, fly, throw (ew; own)
ride, write, forget(from “i” to “o”; “dden” or “tten”)
drive, rise, arise, awake(from “i” to “o” ; “en” )
ring, begin, sing, sink, drink, swim ( i---a---u)
bid, forbid(i--a—idden) dig, spin, swing(i-u-u)
buy, fight, think, seek, bring(--ought)
catch, teach(--aught)
bear, wear, swear (---ore; ---orn)
spread(the same form)
一、months watches photos cities plays
三、①fifth ninth twelfth twentieth
②fourteen forty three-fourths/three quarters
四、fortunately immediately safely truly possibly comfortably terribly simply gently luckily happily angrily shyly(shyness) (repeatedly; unhurriedly; unexpectedly)
五、carried、carried; destroyed、destroyed; paid、paid; laid、laid; lay、lain; wrote、written; felt、felt; bit, bitten; spent、spent; fell、fallen; stopped、stopped;planned、planned; occurred、occurred; rose、risen; threw、thrown;flowed、flowed; chose、chosen; drove、driven; ate、eaten; flew、flown; ran、run; beat、beaten; stole、stolen; struck、struck ; stuck、stuck; cost、cost; cut、cut; hurt、hurt; spread、spread; shut、shut; shone, shone ; held, held; hid, hidden
六、studying carrying paying referring preferring offering sitting developing writing eating
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