He is now fully restored to health. 他現在完全恢複了健康。 英語解釋: ~ sb / sth to sth to bring sb / sth back to a former condition, place or position 使複原;使複位;使複職:注:一詞多義,單詞一次隻記一種意思即可。 , 更多精彩资讯请关注tft每日頭條,我们将持续为您更新最新资讯!
He is now fully restored to health.
~ sb / sth to sth to bring sb / sth back to a former condition, place or position 使複原;使複位;使複職:注:一詞多義,單詞一次隻記一種意思即可。 , 更多精彩资讯请关注tft每日頭條,我们将持续为您更新最新资讯!
~ sb / sth to sth to bring sb / sth back to a former condition, place or position 使複原;使複位;使複職: