1、隻要我們能善用時間,就永遠不愁時間不夠用。As long as we can make good use of time, we will never worry about the shortage of time.
2、群處守嘴,獨處守心。修己以清心為要,涉世以慎言為先。Keep your mouth in groups and keep your heart by yourself. To cultivate oneself, it is important to be clear-minded, and to be careful in speaking.
3、永遠不要為尚未發生的事兒擰巴。Never frown over what has not yet happened.
4、往日情懷釀作酒,換我餘生長醉不複憂。In the past, the feelings of brewing wine, for my growth drunk no longer worry.
5、虛心使人進步,進步使人驕傲,驕傲使人落後。Modesty makes people progress, progress makes people proud, and pride makes people lag behind.
6、自己把自己說服了,是一種理智的勝利。It is a triumph of reason to convince oneself.
7、我的夢想是住在石家莊,日日食全食美,夜夜碟碟不休。 My dream is to live in Shijiazhuang, where the sun and the sun eat the whole, and the dishes are endless every night.
8、食為天性,靜靜地咀嚼,輕輕地回味,非比尋常的韻緻。 Food is the nature, chewing quietly, gently aftertaste, extraordinary charm.
9、感謝上蒼,讓我結識了你。在這美麗的季節,這美好的相遇。Thank God, let me know you. In this beautiful season, this beautiful encounter.
11、旅遊僅僅是用雙腳與眼晴,而旅行還要帶上靈魂和夢想。Travel is only with feet and eyes, and travel with soul and dream.
12、銀河用月色作餌,晚風為杆,想垂釣起落入你眼底的星光。The Milky way uses the moonlight as bait and the evening wind as the rod to fish for the starlight that rises and falls into your eyes.
13、你走,我不送你。你來,無論多大風多大雨,我要去接你。You go, I wont see you off. No matter how heavy the wind is, I will pick you up.
14、命運如同海風,吹着青春的舟飄搖地曲折地渡過了時間的海。——冰心Fate is like the sea breeze, blowing the boat of youth swaying and zigzagging through the sea of time. ——Bingxin