
 > 生活

 > 含winter的英語俚語


生活 更新时间:2025-01-11 00:55:34

- I was thinking of wearing that black dress.

What do you think?

- Sounds great. What are you gonna do about your hair?

- I just got it done. You like it?

- Wow girl, your hair is on fleek! You’re gonna be the best looking person at that party.


If something is ‘on fleek’ it means that it looks great, perfectly styled; it’s perfect.


有人‬說,on‬ fleek這個‬俚語‬已經過時了some people said, it's kind of passed.而用“snatched”代替了It’s been replaced by ‘snatched’.“on fleek” 大約幾‬年前流行‘on fleek’ is kind of, like several years ago.

拓展‬:習語和俚語有‬什麼區别?What is the difference between an idiom and slang

有兩處不同:The two main differences are:第一 習語是幾乎所有母語人士知道的First, an idiom is something almost every native speaker of a language will know,而俚語不是and slang isn’t.俚語有很多母語人士也不明白Slang is something that many native speakers won’t understand.舉個例子 習語:“it’s raining cats and dogs”So for example, the idiom, it’s raining cats and dogs,意思是下大雨了which means it’s raining really hard.你可以問任何一個母語人士 他們都知道You could ask any native speaker this and he or she would know what it meant.到如果你說“bae”什麼意思But if you said, what does ‘bae’ mean?這就是一個俚語 很多人可能都不知道This is slang, most people probably wouldn’t know.這完全取決于你問的是誰There, it depends entirely upon who you ask.第二個不同之處是‬使用壽命The second main difference, longevity.即使用時間長短How long is something in use?我們回到習語“it’s raining cats and dogs”上Let’s go back to the idiom ‘it’s raining cats and dogs.’我見過許多不同意見 但這個習語‬已沿用幾個世紀 從15世紀或16世紀開始I’ve seen a couple of different opinions, but it’s been in use for centuries, since the 1500s or 1600s.使用很久了That’s a long time ago.而相反 俚語發展 沿用到消逝并沒有太長時間Slang, on the other hand, is developed, used, and then dies before too long.

附屬:俚語‬的‬特點‬‬一些俚語可能隻用一兩年some slang might only be in use for a year or two就更新了before it’s replaced with new slang.所以 可能大部分母語者不理解俚語 為啥So if many, maybe even most native speakers don’t understand slang, what’s the deal?因為俚語是由年輕人創造的Slang is the creation of the younger generation.他們喜歡文字遊戲 他們‬會‬給‬‬詞‬造出新‬意思‬甚至直接創造新詞They play with language much more, they create new ways to use words and even create new words.如你試着理解青少年人So if you’re trying to understand people in their teens and twenties卻不知道俚語 那就可能沒法聊天了and know no slang, you’ll probably feel left out in some conversation.










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