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生活 更新时间:2025-02-08 12:16:09

3gpp解讀指南?UE注冊網絡常見的拒絕碼在3gpp 24008協議4.4.4.7,如下:,接下來我們就來聊聊關于3gpp解讀指南?以下内容大家不妨參考一二希望能幫到您!



UE注冊網絡常見的拒絕碼在3gpp 24008協議4.4.4.7,如下:

# 2: IMSI unknown in HLR;(IMSI在HLR端未知)

# 3: Illegal MS; (非法的MS)

# 6: Illegal ME.(i非法的ME)


The mobile station shall set the update status to ROAMING NOT ALLOWED (and store it in the SIM according to section, and delete any TMSI, stored LAI and ciphering key sequence number and shall consider the SIM as invalid until switch-off or the SIM is removed。

# 11: PLMN not allowed;(PLMN不允許)

# 12: Location Area not allowed; (該位置域不允許)

# 13: Roaming not allowed in this location area.(該區域漫遊不被允許)

協議上描述遇到上述原因,需要把當前PLMN加入到禁用列表裡,同時需要删除LAI TMSI,鑒權序列,以及重啟嘗試次數,同時如果遇到#13被拒當設備返回IDLE态時,需要執行PLMN選擇,而不是用當前PLMN重新做小區選擇,如下協議:

The mobile station shall delete any LAI, TMSI and ciphering key sequence number stored in the SIM, reset the attempt counter, set the update status to ROAMING NOT ALLOWED (and store it in the SIM according to section The mobile station shall store the LAI or the PLMN identity in the suitable forbidden list, i.e. in the "forbidden PLMN list" for cause #11, in the list of "forbidden location areas for regional provision of service" for cause #12, and in the list of "forbidden location areas for roaming" for cause #13. In addition, the MS will memorize if cause #13 was received, so to perform a PLMN selection instead of a cell selection when back to the MM IDLE state.

# 7 (GPRS services not allowed)(GPRS服務不允許)

The MS shall set the GPRS update status to GU3 ROAMING NOT ALLOWED (and shall store it according to section and shall delete any P-TMSI, P-TMSI signature, RAI and GPRS ciphering key sequence number. The SIM shall be considered as invalid for GPRS services until switching off or the SIM is removed. The new state is GMM-DEREGISTERED.

# 8 (GPRS services and non-GPRS services not allowed)(GPRS服務和非GPRS服務不允許)

The MS shall set the GPRS update status to GU3 ROAMING NOT ALLOWED (shall store it according to section and shall delete any P-TMSI, P-TMSI signature, RAI and GPRS ciphering key sequence number. The new GMM state is GMM-DEREGISTERED. The new MM state is MM IDLE.

The MS shall set the update status to U3 ROAMING NOT ALLOWED, shall delete any TMSI, LAI and ciphering key sequence number. The SIM shall be considered as invalid for GPRS and non-GPRS services until switching off or the SIM is removed.

設備遇到#7和#8拒絕原因時,都需要拔插SIM 卡或者重啟設備,設備才能重啟找網,如上面協議介紹。

# 16 (MSC temporarily not reachable)(MSC臨時不能到達)

# 17 (Network failure); (網絡failure)

# 22 (Congestion)(擁塞)

The MS shall change to state GMM-REGISTERED.ATTEMPTING-TO-UPDATE-MM. Timer T3310 shall be stopped if still running. The routing area updating attempt counter shall be incremented.

If the routing area updating attempt counter is less than 5, and the stored RAI is equal to the RAI of the current serving cell and the GMM update status is equal to GU1 UPDATED:

- the MS shall keep the GMM update status GU1 UPDATED and changes state to GMM-REGISTERED.ATTEMPTING-TO-UPDATE-MM. The MS shall start timer T3311. When timer T3311 expires the combined routing area update procedure indicating “combined RA/LA updating with IMSI attach” is triggered again.

If the routing area updating attempt counter is greater than or equal to 5:

- the MS shall start timer T3302 and shall change to state GMM-REGISTERED.ATTEMPTING-TO-UPDATE-MM;

- a GPRS MS operating in MS operation mode A shall then proceed with appropriate MM specific procedure; a GPRS MS operating in MS operation mode B may then proceed with appropriate MM specific procedures. The MM sublayer shall act as in network operation mode II as long as the combined GMM procedures are not successful and no new RA is entered.

The new MM state is MM IDLE.

設備遇到上面的拒絕原因,需要停止T3310定時器,RAU timer需要加一,設備同時啟動 T3311定時器,如果該定時器超時,設備會重新發起combined RA/LA updating with IMSI attach

,如果RAU counter timer大于等于5,需要啟動T3302定時器,改變設備狀态從GMM-REGISTERED.ATTEMPTING-TO-UPDATE-MM

# 9 (MS identity cannot be derived by the network)(網絡無法識别MS)

The MS shall set the GPRS update status to GU2 NOT UPDATED (and shall store it according to section, enter the state GMM-DEREGISTERED, and shall delete any P-TMSI, P-TMSI signature, RAI and GPRS ciphering key sequence number. Subsequently, the MS may automatically initiate the GPRS attach procedure.

根據協議描述遇到#9需要更新狀态為GU2 not update,設備接入deregister狀态,并應删除任何P-TMSI,P-TMSI簽名,RAI和GPRS加密密鑰。 序列号,過後設備自動進行GPRS attach過程。

# 10 (Implicitly detached)(隐式去注冊)

The MS shall change to state GMM-DEREGISTERED.NORMAL-SERVICE. The MS shall then perform a new attach procedure. The MS should also activate PDP context(s) to replace any previously active PDP contexts









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