Berlin Zoo Reveals Names of Panda Cubs 旅德大熊貓雙胞胎滿百天 取名“夢想”“夢圓”
The first-ever panda cubs born at Berlin Zoo in Germany were named Meng Xiang and Meng Yuan after they turned 100 days old.
- 英文原文
Both male cubs now weigh around six kilograms.
They were born in August to six-year-old Meng Meng and Jiao Qing, sent by China to Germany in 2017.
Chinese Ambassador to Germany Wu Ken said that the two names combined meant “beautiful dreams come true”.
He ex-pressed that the names for the panda cubs were chosen to convey the best wishes for friendship between the two countries.
According to Ber-lin Zoo, the pandas will spend the next two to four years in Berlin be-fore being moved to China.
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