英語介詞 at、on和in可以表示地點(place),但他們的用法卻往往容易混淆。
AT1. At:把某個位置或地點看作一個點(point)
I was sitting at my desk. (桌子是我坐的一個點)
2. At:把公司或工作場合看作活動地點
How many people are working at Microsoft? (微軟公司是工作的場所)
3. At:有很人參與的活動場所
Were you at Lisa's party? (at the cinema/at the theatre)(聚會、電影院、劇院都有很多人觀看)
4. At:學校,如school、college、university
She always did well at school.
5. At:地址
They once lived at number 12 South George's Street.
6. At:在我們獲得各種服務的公共場地,如理發店、醫院、商店、飯店等
I can't meet at four. I'll be at the hairdresser's until five.
ON1. On:在..上面
I know I left my wallet on the table.
2. On:沿着道路或河流,或海邊或湖邊的位置
Dublin is on the east coast of Ireland.
3. On:建築物的樓層
They live on the 15th floor!
4. On:在公共交通上
I was on the train when she phoned.
IN1. In:在..裡面
I know my book is somewhere in this room.
2. In:當把工作場地看做一個實體建築時
She works in an open-plan office.
3. In:在課堂上
He found it difficult to concentrate in class.
#英語# #雅思# #考研# #托福# #英語四六級#