友友們,我們來嘗試一下教孩子們英文歌詞試試,先從簡單的兒歌開始,《12345 Once I caught A fish Alive》
One, two, three, four, five.Once I caught a fish alive.Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.Then I let it go again.
Why did you let it go?Because it bit my finger so.Which finger did it bite?This little finger on the right.
One, two, three, four, five.
One, two, three, four, five.Once I caught a fish alive.Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.Then I let it go again.
Why did you let it go?Because it bit my finger so.Which finger did it bite?This little finger on the right.
有幾處需要解釋一下。①alive表示活的,catch a fish alive,中英文表達方式不太一樣,這裡解釋成抓到一條活蹦亂跳的小魚比較好。②let it go,這句話很多小朋友都熟悉,《冰雪奇緣》裡安娜公主唱的那首歌,就是放手/放走的意思。③bite my finger,咬手指頭。
☎ 關注豆豆媽媽,一起帶娃學英語,一起分享和小孩鬥智鬥勇的經曆。