
 > 旅遊

 > 沂蒙山旅遊區在臨沂市哪裡


旅遊 更新时间:2024-10-07 19:42:32


  茶亭 Tea Pavilion ©吳鑒泉

  項目緣起Project Origin沂蒙人家二号院項目是對一個多年傳統品牌酒店院落的改造,設計通過對建築院落的保留與更新,在地材料的運用,光影氛圍的營造,探讨傳統院落空間的改造策略。The Yimeng Renjia No. 2 Courtyard Resort project is a renovation of a traditional brand hotel courtyard which has run for many years. The design explores the renovation strategy of the traditional courtyard space through preserving and renewing the architectural courtyard, utilizing local materials, and creating the atmosphere of light and Shadow.


  主房立面 Facade of the Main House ©吳鑒泉


  庭院透視 Perspective View of Courtyard ©吳鑒泉

  著名書畫家範曾先生在此入住後贊賞不已,為此酒店題名“沂蒙人家”,沂蒙人家酒店由此得名。沂蒙人家座落于蒙山旅遊度假區龜蒙頂山腳下,是蒙山風景區内典型的北方院落式酒店,因年久酒店設施逐漸陳舊,由此決定首先對二号院進行提升改造。Mr. Zeng Fan, the famous painter and calligrapher, admired the hotel a lot after staying here, and named the hotel as Yimeng Renjia. That is how the Yimeng Renjia Hotel got its name. Yimeng Renjia hotel is located at the foot of Guimengding Mountain in the Mengshan Tourist Resort, which is a typical northern courtyard hotel in the Mengshan Scenic Area. Due to disrepair over the years, the hotel facilities are gradually obsolete. Therefore, the no.2 courtyard was upgraded and transformed first.


  俯瞰圖 Aerial View ©吳鑒泉

  二号院現狀院落及建築于2002年建成,建造就地取材,建築牆體基礎使用了當地的青石,上面為青磚,圍牆則是山谷遍地都是的卵石,整個院落具有當地民居特色,承載着沂蒙人家多年的記憶,也是當地傳統院落式民居的一種典型,在設計初始即決定在保留院落和房屋主體結構的基礎上進行适宜的植入和改造。The current No. 2 courtyard were completed in 2002. The construction was made with local materials. Local bluestone was used as the foundation of the building wall, with blue bricks covering on the wall. And the surrounding walls were pebbles which scatter around in the valley. The entire courtyard possesses the characteristics of local dwellings and carries the memories of the Yimeng settlers for many years, which makes it a typical local traditional courtyard-style dwellings. At the beginning of the design, it was decided to conduct appropriate implantation and transformation on the basis of preserving the origin courtyard and the main structure of the house.


  改造前看向入口 The look of the Entrance Before Renovation ©吳鑒泉


  改造前庭院東側 East side of Courtyard Before Renovation ©吳鑒泉

  院落更新:空間重構Courtyard Renewal: Space Reconstruction院落尺寸東西為15米,南北10米,入口與圍牆現狀較好且極具當地傳統特色,因此将其完整地保留下來,留存了原有院落意境與氛圍的記憶。The size of the courtyard is 15 meters from east to west, and 10 meters from north to south. The entrance and surrounding walls are in good condition with excellent local traditional characteristics. Therefore, they are preserved intactly so as to preserve the memory of the original courtyards artistic conception and atmosphere.


  總平面圖 General layout ©灰空間

  内部的座椅、綠植、樹木及卵石路等元素則顯得較為雜亂,對其進行了重新梳理後,保留了現狀的兩棵樹木。However, the seats, green plants, trees and pebble roads and other elements inside the courtyard are rather messy. After reorganizing above situation, the two trees of them are retained.


  庭院俯瞰 Aerial View of Courtyard ©吳鑒泉


  看向入口 The Look of the Entrance ©吳鑒泉

  院落地面運用了當地的青石闆和卵石,以新的鋪貼形式形成了一條進入建築的路徑,在路徑的一側新建了一個茶亭,與院子裡的樹木及建築形成一種新的空間對望關系,作為室内活動空間的延續。Local bluestone slabs and pebbles are applied to build the ground of the courtyard, forming a path into the building in the manner of new paving. A tea pavilion is built on one side of the path, which forms a new spatial relationship with the trees and buildings in the yard, as a continuation of the indoor activity space.


  看向庭院南側 The Look to the South Side of the Courtyard ©吳鑒泉


  茶亭 Tea Pavilion ©吳鑒泉

  靠近建築布置了一個淺水池,意将房間同院落及茶亭隔離,形成心理層面的私密性;從茶亭看向建築,樹木打在牆體上的陰影一起倒映在水面上,形成獨特的空間氛圍。A shallow pool is arranged near the building to isolate the room from the courtyard and the tea pavilion. In this way, a psychological level of privacy is constructed; looking from the tea pavilion to the building, the shadows of the trees on the wall are reflected on the water together, forming a unique spatial atmosphere.


  水池陰影 Pool Shadow ©吳鑒泉


  茶亭看向主房 The perspective from Tea Pavilion towards the Main House ©吳鑒泉

  建築改造:并置體量Architectural Reconstruction: Parallel Volume主房為坐北朝南的三開間建築,中間為公共廳,東西兩側各為一間客房,房間開間為3.88米,南北進深為6.84米,改造後仍要保證有兩個客房。The main house is a three-bay building facing south, with a public hall in the middle, and one guest room on the east and west sides. The room size is 3.88 meters from east to west, and the north-south depth is 6.84 meters. After the renovation, there must still be two guest rooms.


  主房立面 Facade of the Main House ©吳鑒泉


  庭院 Courtyard ©吳鑒泉

  原建築的房間大小難以滿足當下度假舒适感需求,如何從根本上解決空間過于局促問題是建築改造的關鍵所在,經過反複思考與嘗試,決定對原建築進行加固後,在其外側并置一個2米寬度的建築新體量。The room size of the original building is difficult to meet the current comfort needs for holiday. How to fundamentally solve the problem of too cramped space is the key to the building renovation. After repeated thinking and attempts, it was decided to reinforce the original building and a new parallel volume with a width of 2 meters is juxtaposed on its outside.


  樹影 Tree Shadow ©吳鑒泉


  主房入口 The Entrance of Main House ©吳鑒泉

  從庭院看向建築,加建的體量懸浮在水面上,預示着其背後的建築主體存在,新體量的置入彌補了原建築三個房間空間局促的問題,中間部分向庭院敞開,作為進入建築之前的過渡灰空間,兩側則為兩個客房增加了可貴的休閑空間。Looking at the building from the courtyard, the added parallel volume is suspended on the water, indicating the existence of the main building behind it. The placement of the new parallel volume makes up for the cramped space of the three rooms of the original building. The middle part is open to the courtyard as a transitional gray space before entering the building. Besides, two guest rooms are added with valuable leisure space on both sides.


  主房局部 Part of Main House ©吳鑒泉


  入口灰空間 Gray Space of Entrance ©吳鑒泉

  空間營造:靜谧氛圍Interior creating: Tranquil Atmosphere置身院落,這裡便是自己的一片天地,室内外空間合二為一,院落空間是室内空間的延伸,室内空間則是對院落空間開敞性的遮蔽。Staying in the courtyard, here is the world of ones own. Indoor and outdoor spaces are combined into one, with the courtyard space as the extension of the indoor space, and the indoor space as the open shelter of the courtyard space.


  公共廳局部 Part of Public Hall ©吳鑒泉


  當地陶罐 Local Clay Pot ©吳鑒泉


  客房局部 Part of Room ©吳鑒泉

  室内保留了原有建築的三開間形式,中間作為公共空間,兩端是客房。簡潔質樸的空間,當地的陶罐藝術品,樸實無華的家具,點綴其間的老闆凳,時間仿佛在這裡停止了流逝,隻有光影在牆面上波動,連同外部庭院的綠意,形成了靜谧質樸的空間氛圍。The interior design retains the three-bay form of the original building, with a public space in the middle and guest rooms at both ends. Thanks to the concise and clear space design, time seems to stop here, with the local clay pot art, the unpretentious furniture, and the old benches dotted in room. The light and shadow fluctuate on the wall, together with the greenery of the outer courtyard, which forms a quiet and rustic The atmosphere of the space.


  公共廳 Public Hall ©吳鑒泉


  西客房 West Room ©吳鑒泉


  公共廳局部 Part of Public Hall ©吳鑒泉

  透過落地玻璃窗和精心設置的天窗,室内空間同室外的陽光、水面、樹影、圍牆及周圍的樹木交相呼應,陽光經樹下的水面反射到室内,和直射進來的陽光、樹的陰影交織在一起,宛如一場光與影的演出,為靜谧質樸的空間增添了恰如其好的靈動。Through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows and carefully designed skylights, the indoor space echoes the outdoor sunlight, water surface, tree shadows, fences, and surrounding trees. The sunlight reflects into the room through the water surface under the trees, and directly shines through the sunlight and trees. The shadows are intertwined, like a performance of light and shadow, adding appropriate agility to the quiet and simple space.


  客房落地窗 Floor-to-Ceiling Windows in Room ©吳鑒泉


  東客房天窗 Skylight of East Room ©吳鑒泉

  設計圖紙Design drawing


  總平面圖 General layout ©灰空間


  一層平面圖 First floor plane ©灰空間


  立面圖 Elevation drawing ©灰空間


  剖面圖 Section drawing ©灰空間

  項目信息項目名稱:沂蒙人家二号院Project Name: Yimeng Renjia No. 2 Courtyard Resort項目類型:建築/室内/景觀Project Type: Architecture/Indoor/Landscape項目地點:山東省臨沂市蒙山Project location: Mengshan, Linyi City, Shandong Province設計單位:灰空間建築事務所Design Unit: Grey Space Architects業主:山東沂蒙人家有限公司Client: Shandong Yimeng Renjia Co., Ltd.主持建築師:蘇鵬、劉漠煙Leading Architects: Peng Su, Moyan Liu設計團隊:琚安琪,張瑩瑩,應世蛟,李園園,張凱Design Team: Anqi Ju, Yingying Zhang, Shijiao Ying, Yuanyuan Li, Kai Zhang建成狀态:建成Construction Status: Completed設計時間: 2019年11月-2020年5月Design Time: November 2019-May 2020建設時間:2020年2月-2021年3月Construction Time: February 2020-March2021占地面積:240㎡Area: 240㎡建築面積:125㎡Building Area: 125㎡結構顧問:邱臨宬Structural Consultant: Lincheng Qiu施工:山東沂蒙人家有限公司Construction Company: Shandong Yimeng Renjia Co., Ltd.材料:青石闆、木飾面、木格栅、藝術塗料Materials: bluestone board, wood veneer, wood grille, art paint攝影:吳鑒泉Photography: Jianquan Wu







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