There is a kind of love in the world, silent selfless dedication, it is born, never fade, this love is called maternal love, I wish all mothers, happiness! Happy! healthy!
母親節(Mother's Day),是一個感謝母親的節日,這個節日最早出現在古希臘;而現代的母親節起源于美國,是每年5月的第二個星期日。
Mother's Day is a festival of thanking mothers, which first appeared in ancient Greece; The modern mother's Day originated in the United States, is the second Sunday in May every year.
Mother, you give your children such a grand and endless love and kindness. As a child, how to repay this deep kindness, send blessings on Mother's day, cook a meal for her, chat with her and take a walk.
Mother's day, which respects and promotes mother's love, has become a conventional festival in China. Now, mother's day on the second Sunday of May every year has become a must for the public.
With mother's day becoming a public holiday, Chinese people can finally express their deep feelings for their mother on this day.