哈喽,友友們,這期的看片學英語,咱們來看一部經典勵志片Legally Blond 《律政俏佳人1》。
這部電影講的是美麗的艾莉被男友當成花瓶而被迫分手,而艾莉為了挽回男友,一鼓作氣,經過嚴格的面試與筆試,最終被哈佛法學院錄取了,并憑借自己的美麗,善良與智慧,實現了自己的價值,不但成為最優秀的畢業生,而且找到了真正的愛情。看這部電影讓我想起了一部法律劇《美女錯上身》Drop Dead Diva, 名字很狗血,劇卻是很好看的劇,大家有興趣的可以去看看。
言歸正傳,讓我們跟着Legally Blonde 學習一下法律方面的表達吧!
☞Mens rea☜
[mɛnz reɪ]【犯罪心态,犯罪意圖】
But there's a complete lack of mens rea...
那麼,我們看下Motive, intent 和 Mens rea法律術語分析。
motive為【動機】,指導緻一個人行為的需要或願望(need or desire)情感原因或意圖,其不是構成犯罪的要素(element),但有關犯罪動機證據的采信可有助于确認“犯罪故意”,即intent的存在。因此我們知道,intent (也稱為criminal intent)便是刑法中所指的【犯罪故意】,其含義是:the design or purpose to commit a wrongful or criminal act ,是構成犯罪的要素之一。mens rea則為【犯罪意圖】,指一種犯罪精神狀态(a culpable mental state),特指犯罪故意(intent)或對犯罪的知情(knowledge), 其也是構成犯罪的要素之一。
★Defense attorney★
[dɪ'fens əˈtɜːrni]【辯護律師】
He's the top defense attorney in the state. of course he's an ass.
but Keating’s clearly the better defense attorney.
♥subject matter jurisdiction♥
◎criminal proceeding◎
@common law marriage@
What is your alibi for being late this time? 你這次遲到又有什麼借口
I’m able to recall hundreds of important details...at the drop of a hat.
throw one’s hat in the ring
後來throw one's hat in the ring 便喻指【正式宣布參加競選、應聘】。
程度更深一點,我們可以說:go to all the trouble of doing sth。
來自19世紀賽狗時的說法,原意指的是跑第二名的狗。完整版其實是run...up (to the last race),指的是第二名的狗在之前都沒輸過,但是後來就演變為泛指第二名。
blow off 【吹出,放氣】
throw sth away 【把某物扔掉】
兩個詞延伸意義是放棄,相當于give up.
why are you gonna throw that all away?
I blew off Greek week to study for the LSATs.
Wait, am I on glue, or did we not get into the same law school, Warner.
*^_^*最後讓我們一起看下not only...but also的常見用法:
Not only… but (also)…
1. Not only… but (also)…在句中常用來連接兩個對等的成分,also可以省略。如:
He is learning not only English but (also) French.
2. Not only… but (also)…用來連接兩個主語時,謂語動詞的單、複數遵循“就近原則”,即和but (also)後的名詞或代詞的數一緻。如:
Not only the children but also their parents are enjoying the film. 不僅孩子們在欣賞這部影片,他們的父母也在欣賞這部影片。
3. Not only…but (also)…連接兩個分句,當not only位于句首,前一個分句常用倒裝來表示強調,而but (also)後的分句仍用陳述語序。如:
Not only was it raining all day at the wedding but also the band was late.
[注意] 使用中注意兩點:
1、 就近:指謂語形式取決于離它近的主語。
Not only he but also you are wrong.
2、 一緻:not only 與but also 後面所接的詞類要一緻。
She not only sings well but also dances beautifully