生态環境部發布的報告顯示,2018年,我國生态環境質量持續改善,全國338個城市平均空氣質量優良天數比例為79.3%,同比上升1.3個百分點。 China's environmental quality kept improving last year, according to a report released by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. Some 338 cities enjoyed good air quality on 79.3 percent of days in 2018, up 1.3 percentage points from a year earlier, said the report.
藍天白雲下的北京懷柔慕田峪長城。 圖片來源:新華網
要通過加快構建生态文明體系,确保到2035年,生态環境質量實現根本好轉,美麗中國目标基本實現。 The nation must speed up the construction of the ecological civilization system, to ensure that by 2035, there will be a fundamental improvement in environmental quality, and the goal of building a Beautiful China will be basically attained. ——2018年5月18-19日,在全國生态環境保護大會上的講話
生态安全 ecological security
生态足迹 ecological footprint
美麗中國 Beautiful China
(中國日報網英語點津 馬文英)