
 > 情感

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情感 更新时间:2025-02-25 03:26:43

  有些事,我假裝不知道,知道了,隻會讓自己更加心痛。Some things will make me even more sad.

  你說我沒有認真的談過戀愛,那是你不知道我認真的時候輸的有多慘。You said I did not seriously fall in love, that is you do not know when I seriously lose how miserable.

  我知道有時候愛是擁有,但有時候,愛就是放手,我們隻能,隔着大海,靜默以對。I know that sometimes love is to have, but sometimes, love is to let go, we can only, across the sea, silent to.

  這一生如亘古長夜,遇見你才算破曉。This life is like a long night, only when I meet you is dawn.

  有時候,你問的問題,對方一直在閃躲,那就是委婉的告訴你,真實的回答很殘忍。Sometimes, you ask questions, the other side has been dodging, that is to tell you tactfully, the real answer is very cruel.

  青蔥年月裡誰不曾瘋狂過,年少日記裡,泛黃的是執着。Who has never been crazy in the green years, in the diary of young people, the yellow is persistent.

  一直忘了告訴你,我有多幸運,遇見的是你。想有一天挽着你的手,去敬各位來賓的酒。I always forget to tell you how lucky I am to meet you. I want to take your hand one day and offer you a toast.

  凝望夜的清寂,淚眼倚樓頻獨語,嫣然一笑,素衣如岚,卻是此情幽深處。Gazing at the silence of the night, the tearful eyes lean on the floor and speak alone, and smile. The plain clothes are like the haze, but it is the deep feeling.

  畢生所求,不過是在他的眼中,能看到我的影子。All he wanted was to see my shadow in his eyes.

  輕巧的來了,走的時候,卻顯得格外沉重。我将永遠也無法忘記那陣甜風,是它,入了我的夢。Light to come, walk, but it is particularly heavy. I will never forget that sweet wind, it is it, into my dream.






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