1、我必須随時掌握這一行的最新動态,那就是為什麼我到現在還能待在這兒。I gotta know where everything is all the time.I never leave this place, except to go from here to there.
2、是愛情使一切看起來都不一樣。Love has made me see things In a different way.
3、我已經決定好我以後的人生了,我想當一個殺手。Ive decided what to do with my life.I wanna be a cleaner.
4、如果你要救我 你必須要救得有意義,如果你現在要丢下我不管,就跟你昨天沒有開門是一樣的,跟讓我死在你面前一樣。If you saved my life, you mustve saved it for a good reason.If you throw me out now,its like you never opened your door like you,let me die right there in front of it.
5、嘿。這是你的錢。我隻是幫你保管,就像銀行一樣 甚至比銀行更安全。Its your money. Im just holding it for you, like a bank.Except better than a bank.
6、事情總是這樣的隻有當你真正感受到對死亡的恐懼,你才會學到要珍惜生命。Its always the same thing.Its when you start to become really afraid of death…that you learn to appreciate life.
7、你什麼人都殺嗎?不殺女人,不碰小孩,這是規矩。Do you clean anyone?No women, no kids. Thats the rules.
8、我相信你。相信别人容易出事。I trust you.One things got nothin to do with the other.
9、招子放亮點,有人來找碴了。open your eyes. We got company.
10、你看,沒有任何事物擋得住愛情,裡昂。See, nothing can stop love, Leon.
11、馬姬,我想我搞砸了,這又不是第一次,你總是闖禍 對吧?我想我這次做的太過頭了,我想你現在是做的太過頭了。Margie, I think I screwed up.It wouldnt be the first time.You always come up with somethin, right?I think I went too far this time.Youre goin too far right now.
12、我們來練習吧,這是最好的學習方式。Lets practice now. Its the best way to learn.