步驟一 Step one
First draw the little girl's hair with two little ponytails on either side. Then draw the round face, followed by the eyes, nose and mouth.
步驟二 Step two
Then draw a pupil's body and clothes, neck tied with a red scarf, at the foot of the ground and grass, and then draw some white clouds and notes.
步驟三 Step three
再給小學生的眼睛塗上顔色,嘴巴塗成暗紅色,然後用深棕色塗頭發,紅領巾塗紅色,再給衣服也塗上顔色。Then the pupils' eyes were colored, their mouths dark red, their hair dark brown, their scarves red, and their clothes also colored.
步驟四 Step four
Finally with the color of skin painted pupils face and limbs skin, grass and grass painted green, and finally with blue clouds, simple lively pupils on the painting.