英語句子練習從這裡開始?1. On such a level playing field as College Entrance Examination, students are no longer defined by their popularity or family background, but by test scores.,我來為大家科普一下關于英語句子練習從這裡開始?下面希望有你要的答案,我們一起來看看吧!
1. On such a level playing field as College Entrance Examination, students are no longer defined by their popularity or family background, but by test scores.
一些同學可能受『在......之下』這一漢語翻譯的影響,寫為under the level playing field of gaokao,結果當然不用想,用如此中式的思維去寫句子,肯定一錯一個準。
實際上,在『介賓短語』中,介詞的選擇是由兩部分共同決定的:其後所接的名詞 句子情景(介詞原理一)。而這裡的a level playing field是一個類似足球場的平面,句子情景則是『在這個競賽場上競争』,顯然是on更合适一些(可以類比on the playground),所以這裡的介詞應該是on,而不是什麼in或者under。
例如,____ the bottom of the ocean,這裡的____中到底該填哪個介詞?
答案是,可以填on, at, under, through, across, into, from, for, to...
Ø On the bottom of the ocean 強調位于海底平面上,且與海底接觸
例句:Kuafu drank up all water from the Pacific ocean, and then jumped on the bottom of the ocean.
翻譯:誇父喝光了太平洋所有的水,然後跳到了海底上。(順便考考你,drank up的up 該如何理解?)
Ø At the bottom of the ocean 強調海底這一籠統的範圍
例句:There is nothing but darkness at the bottom of the ocean.
Ø Under the bottom of the ocean 強調在海底平面之下,且為靜态
例句:We can hardly imagine any life existing under the bottom of the ocean.
Ø Through the bottom of the ocean 強調從空間上穿過海底平面
例句:I used to imagine myself as a superman capable of reaching the other end of the globe through the bottom of the ocean.
Ø Across the entire bottom of the ocean 強調橫跨海底整個範圍
例句:The earthquake swept across the entire bottom of the ocean.