編号在末尾?F 78frown /fraʊn,下面我們就來聊聊關于編号在末尾?接下來我們就一起去了解一下吧!
F 78
frown /fraʊn
she frowned angrily
she looked at her examination paper with a frown
he wanted to go to France by himself ,but his parents frowned on this idea
不贊成 滿意
frugal /ˈfruːɡl
a frugal habit
節儉的 節省的
a frugal supper
fruit /fruːt
the potato is a vegetable ,not a fruit
水果 果類
would you like some more fruit
a fruit store
this dish is made from a mixture of four different summer fruits
a fruitful meeting
有成果 效果 收獲的 成功的
fruition /fruˈɪʃn
the plan came to fruition
the plan was brought to fruition
實現 完成
so far the search for the missing boy has been fruitless
無效果 成效 收獲的 不成功的
this red wine is soft and fruity
有果味的 像水果的
frustrate /ˈfrʌstreɪt
the bad weather frustrated our plans of/for going out
破壞 阻撓 挫敗
watchful guard frustrated the prisoner's attempt
I'm feeling frustrated in my present job
不滿意 使灰心喪氣
after frustrating delay ,our train finally arrived