關于夢想的英語名言?人生最大的敵人是自己怯懦The greatest enemy of life is cowardice.,我來為大家科普一下關于關于夢想的英語名言?下面希望有你要的答案,我們一起來看看吧!
人生最大的敵人是自己怯懦。The greatest enemy of life is cowardice.
我從來不想羨慕别人,因為那隻會提醒我我沒有。I never want to envy other people, because it will remind me that I did not.
沒有退路時潛能就發揮出來了。No retreat when the potential to play out.
每天隻看目标,别老想障礙。Look at the target every day, dont think of obstacles.
不識貨,半世苦;不識人,一世苦。Do not know, do not know who, half bitter; bitter.
不要為現在的努力喊累,黎明前的夜最黑,懂嗎。Not for the efforts now Hanlei, before the dawn of the night, you know.
健康的身體是實現目标的基石。A healthy body is the cornerstone of achieving a goal.
一個人幸運的前提,其實是他有能力改變自己。The premise of a person lucky, in fact, he has the ability to change their own.
偉大的力量存在于我們的内心。Great power is in our hearts.
意志堅強的人,他的世界充滿着無限的可能性。A man of strong will, his world is full of infinite possibilities.