用英語學英語口語:guest appearance是“友情出演,客串”的意思嗎?
問題來了:guest appearance是“友情出演”,“客串”的意思嗎?
如果僅僅是為了用中文學會一個英語單詞,查查字典:是的,guest appearance是演出業專業術語:友情出演,客串。然後學幾個例句:
1. The famous actor made a guest appearance in the movie.
2. Everyone is speculating(猜測) who will make a guest appearance in the new movie.
然而,我們許多人可能隻有通過“用英語學英語”,才有機會徹底弄明白英語guesrt appearance和中文“友情出演,客串”的真正含義是什麼(你能用中文說清楚什麼是“友情出演”和“客串”嗎?)
What is guest appearance?
Well, a guest appearance is that a famous actor, or a celebrity plays a role in a movie,but this famous actor or celebrity does not belong to the regular cast of the film.
讀了這小段英語,這下“漲”了guest appearance,客串的知識了:
1. Well, a guest appearance首先是 a famous actor, or celebrity(也就是 a famous man or woman ) will play a role in the movie.
2. Well, when a guest actor appears in a movie,(知識點來了)he or she will not appear in the regular cast(正常演員表上)。
will not appear in the regular cast.
這下清楚什麼是guest appesrance/客串了。